The average house price on LAUREL GROVE is £200,216
The most expensive house in the street is 14 LAUREL GROVE with an estimated value of £320,662
The cheapest house in the street is 12 LAUREL GROVE with an estimated value of £98,811
The house which was most recently sold was 6 LAUREL GROVE, this sold on 5 Dec 2023 for £132,000
The postcode for LAUREL GROVE is LS12 2DD
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 LAUREL GROVE Terraced , 134 m2 £194,911 £155,000 20 Apr 2018
3 LAUREL GROVE Terraced , 131 m2 £162,343 £34,327 30 Jun 1998
4 LAUREL GROVE Terraced , 153 m2 £213,504 £120,000 3 Mar 2006
5 LAUREL GROVE Terraced , 120 m2 £165,447 £140,000 29 Oct 2020
6 LAUREL GROVE Terraced £136,185 £132,000 5 Dec 2023
8 LAUREL GROVE Terraced £297,431 £162,000 13 Oct 2005
9 LAUREL GROVE Terraced £240,364 £138,000 21 Jul 2006
12 LAUREL GROVE Terraced , 164 m2 £98,811 £25,000 9 Feb 2000
13 LAUREL GROVE Terraced , 152 m2 £172,507 £43,000 25 Jan 2000
14 LAUREL GROVE Terraced £320,662 £160,995 18 Jun 2004